Please read our PRIVACY POLICY
Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos S.L.U. de nacionalidad española con domicilio en Plaza Pedro Menéndez, nº 3, 3ºB 33401-Aviles(Asturias) es el titular del web site de Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos S.L.U. con CIF B74044447.
In accordance with current regulations on data protection, services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user accepts the personal data provided at the time of registration or any other provided to Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos S.L.U. according to access to some of the services of the website (subscription to training, newsletter...) will be incorporated into files owned by this Company. This information will be collected in order to: facilitate the provision of the requested services, the correct identification of the users who request personalized services in “Escuela de” (and the websites, blogs, virtual platforms and other virtual showcases associated), carry out statistical studies of the registered users in Escueladementoring in order to design improvements in the services provided, management of basic administration tasks and keep the users informed (by email or by any other way) of news, products and services related to Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos S.L.U. In the case of commercial communications through email or equivalent, the user gives express consent for the sending of advertising through said way.
Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos is committed to complying with its obligation to secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat it confidentially. For these purposes, Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos assumes the necessary technical, organizational and security measures to prevent their changes, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, and other applicable legislation.
In any case the user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, with Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos reserving the right to eliminate the registered services of any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions that may proceed by law.
Any registered user can at any time exercise the right to access, rectify and cancel their personal data provided. To request the exercise of their rights, the user can request it by an online response or a written request addressed to
Anonymous browsing through the moodle platform (hereinafter The Site)
Gen Consulting Desarrollo de Proyectos company (owner of the moodle e-learning platform Escuela de Mentoring) only obtains and keeps the following information about visitors to our website:
The domain name of the service provider (ISP) and/or IP address that gives them access to the network. For example, a user of the provider XXX will only be identified with the domain and/or the IP address. In this way we can compile statistics on the countries and servers that visit the site most often.
The date and time of access to the site. This allows us to find out the hours with more attendees, and make the necessary adjustments to avoid saturation problems in our peak hours. The Internet address from which the link to our site originated. Thanks to this data, we can know the effectiveness of the different links that point to our server, in order to promote those that offer better results.
The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know the most successful areas and increase and improve their content, so that users obtain a more satisfactory result.
The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific and identified user.