The contents of the course and/or training program in which you have enrolled and are going to take through the Escuela de Mentoring virtual classroom are the property of the person who appears as the author of the course and/or training program.
The content's use is restricted to the course's objective and purpose: the knowledge and learning of the student in the subject, excluding any other use directly or indirectly.
Based on the preceding, you agree not to transmit or reveal or disseminate to third parties the material received that is the property of the author and the Escuela de Mentoring, responding to said entities for the expenses, damages and losses that may be caused as a result of possible injuries to the rights of all kinds that third parties may enjoy on the contributions derived from the object of this document; as well as for the actions and claims that could be formulated for such concept.
Said materials may only be used to carry out the contracted course, and may not be reproduced in any case without the express written authorization of the author. That implies that it is not allowed to reveal to third parties the content of the materials received directly or indirectly, by written means or otherwise, responding to the use that those third parties, where appropriate, could give to it and for the damages caused. To author and/or the Escuela de Mentoring for this cause.
No commercial use may be made of them, and no part of the information and materials received may be incorporated into any document, product, offer, or a commercial operation, except when specifically and expressly agreed by the author.
These obligations are indefinite and are not limited to the course duration.
If at any time you want to make use of these materials, or cite part of their content in a document, website, course, article, magazine, etc., contact the Escuela de Mentoring to request authorization
We appreciate your collaboration.